her doctoral degree from Marquette University in 2014. Prior to returning to school to
complete her PhD at Marquette, she worked for many years as a Master’s level social
worker, serving the dually diagnosed (mental health and substance abuse) Latino urban
population largely within the non-profit sector.
In her role as a social worker, Dr. Bach worked with the guardian ad litem division at the
Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee. She also worked as an interpreter for the US federal court
system providing interpretation for defendants in pretrial hearings and in interviews with
clients’ attorneys. In her capacity as a social worker, she also met with Spanish speaking
clients in the county jail and in the House of Corrections, upon request from Milwaukee
County AODA administration officials. There she interviewed and assessed these clients for
eligibility for county funded substance abuse and mental health treatment programs within
Milwaukee County upon their release from incarceration.
Dr. Bach did her postdoctoral internship at the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division
where she was then hired to work as a psychologist in the Intensive Outpatient Dialectical
Behavior Program, and later as the Clinical Director of the program. Dr. Bach left Milwaukee
County in 2017 to return to work in the non-profit sector at a community mental health
organization created to meet the specific needs of the Latino population.
Her areas of interest include providing culturally specific treatment, trauma focused
therapies, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, working with the substance abuse populations, inner
city and Latino populations, and conducting psychological evaluations and guardianship